The 2014 installation for the fictional underground network, Daughters of the Sacred Tissue, includes framed autographed prints, a gorilla hand with DNA samples, thyrsus staff, fur banner, temporary tattoos, and a brochure that provides a historical account of DAUST’s origins and beliefs.

The brochure states, that the items on display, “were donated to IDOKCFR by the Members of the West Chapter of the Daughters of the Sacred Tissue. These sacred props were used over the last several decades in ritual performances of the Rites of Spring. Daughters of the Sacred Tissue was founded in Colorado Springs in 1913. The group initially sprang up as a support network providing safe lodging and sustenance to Heloise, a runaway hybrid female. The original chapter had 13 members, one for each of the original 13 apes said to have died during the inseminating trials conducted by Dr. Peter Red. All were “prominent, forward-looking women.” Two were physicians, one an obstetrician, and three were lawyers. Additional members were added upon proof of the blood-line. To show their solidarity with the she-ape, to this day, the women don “hair-suits” which were originally sewn by hand. Direct descendants are determined by DNA sampling. Only they are allowed to wear the suit…”

Daughters of the Sacred Tissue informational booklet to be published soon! Contact IDOKCFR for more information.